Friday, October 30, 2015

Week 1 Day 5

Today, Alec is starting the frame from scratch. Theo and I are working on neatening the box. Zach is working on the gearing for the drive train. Lastly, Kilian is helping Izabela build the ball launching mechanism.  We are working well as a team.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week 1 Day 4

Today, we are taking apart the remainder of our robots. After we take them apart which should be decently fast we will begin building our ball loader for our robot. The loader will allow us to drive into multiple balls and pick them up and store them in a part of our robot that is connected to the launcher that will allow us to then change the direction of the robot to face the goal and shoot the balls without having to lose balls in the process or shoot from a distance that we prefer not to shoot from.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Week 1 Day 3

Today, we continued with organizing our bins to prepare building the robot. Yesterday, we did not fully finish getting everything put away because we were organizing for the three different teams that combined to form our new group. I believe that once we finish getting everything put in its proper place, building the robot will be much quicker.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Week 1 Day 2

Today was a "clean-up" day.  The others focused on dismantling Brandon's old bot, while I kept my attention on the blog.  While the others finished taking apart the bot and accounting for all the pieces, I aesthetically improved our blog with an amazing background photo and an array of colors.  So far, we've made good progress, but we need to press on- our challenge is only a few weeks away.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 1 Day 1

We have established our group of  six and are taking apart our old bot and modifying Brandon's bot for this challenge.  We are also doing research on mechanisms to pick up balls, and ideas on how to shoot the balls.  Specifically, we are researching an elevator mechanism and how to apply it to our bot.  Finally, today Theo and Izabela have begun to set up our blog, Ball is Life.